Thursday, November 17, 2011

PLN Action Plan

Winfield City Schools continually strive to implement technology to increase student achievement.  Young people today are surrounded with technology and will be more attuned to a class/school that incorporates technology in all curriculum areas.  By welcoming Web 2.0 to the school system we are opening the door to an unlimited amount of learning possibilities.

The majority of society is using social networking today.  Schools are faced with the decision to either join the social network or be left in the dark leading students to a limited education.  Will you join?

1.      Each teacher will gain an understanding of PLNs. 
2.      Each teacher will understand the advantages of RSS feeds.
3.      Each teacher will determine ways in which class blogs can benefit the educational process.
4.      Teachers will explain how podcast can benefit the educational process.

·          Teachers will gain professional development credit for attending three 1 hour seminars introducing the following Web tools:  RSS feed, blog, and podcast. 
·          Teachers will develop an RSS feed using Google.  The teachers will be encouraged to keep this RSS strictly educational.
·          Teachers will develop and maintain a class blog where parents and students can post and respond to educational topics. 
·          Teachers will be trained on creating a podcast and develop a list of when and how podcasts could benefit their classroom.
·          The teachers will have a follow up meeting after 2 weeks of developing their PLN to address any concerns.

Personal Learning Networks (PLNs)

Prior to October 1, 2011, my PLN consisted of my school email account.  I had no way of communicating with the stakeholders collectively.  I was limited to receiving individual questions and giving individual responses to parents, faculty, and students.  As of today, I have 3 ways of communicating with the community and my students; Twitter, Podcast, and Mrs. Simmons' Blogspot. 
I plan to continue using both my Twitter and Blogspot.  I would like to use Twitter in my classes allowing students to collaborate on various class related topics.  I also would like to use my Blog to announce to parents upcoming class topics, projects, and tests.  Parents will be able to post questions and responses on my blog.
I also will be encouraging my colleagues to do the same through a faculty presentation of the experiences that I have with my PLNs.  Many of my colleagues have class websites where they can communicate to the public, but the public can not communicate back to the teachers.  I will communicate how blogging, more than a class website, meets the needs of our school and the community.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

No School Veterans' Day

School will be closed on Friday, November 11 for Veteran's Day!  Thank you to all who serve!!!